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Scientific Studies

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Minerals & Toxic Metals in Health, Psychology, & Disease

(1) Vitamins, minerals, and mood, Psychological Bulletin, (2007) Source

(2) Aluminum in neurological disease - a 36 year multicenter study, Journal of Alzheimer's disease (2019) Source

(3) Crosstalk between metals and neurodegenerative diseasesJapanese Journal of Hygiene (2014) Source

(4)  Lead neurotoxicity: exploring the potential impact of lead substitution in zinc-finger proteins on mental healthMetallomics: Integrated Biometal Science (2015) Source

(5) Selenium metabolism, selenoproteins and mechanisms of cancer prevention: complexities with thioredoxin reductase, Carcinogensis (1999) Source

(6) Toxic Mechanisms of Five Heavy Metals: Mercury, Lead, Chromium, Cadmium, and Arsenic, Frontiers in Pharmacology (2021) Source

(7) Understanding nutrition, depression and mental illnessesIndian Psychiatry (2008) Source

(8) The relationship between micronutrient status and sleep patterns: a systematic review, Public Health Nutrition, (2017) Source

(9) Zinc and gastrointestinal disease, World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathology, (2014) Source

(10) Mercury toxicity and the mitigating role of selenium, EcoHealth, (2008) Source

(11) Toxic Metals in Human Health and Disease, Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition and Bioenergetics, (1989) Source

(12) The effects of iodine on intelligence in children: a meta-analysis of studies conducted in China, AP Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (2005) Source

(13) The Central Role of Biometals Maintains Oxidative Balance in the Context of Metabolic and Neurodegenerative DisordersOxidative Medicine and Cellular Longeivity (2017). Source

(14) The role of magnesium therapy in learning and memory, Magnesium in the CNS, (2011) Source

(15) Toxic Effects of Mercury on the Cardiovascular and Central Nervous Systems, Journal of Biomedicine, (2012) Source

(16) Selenium Supplementation Protects Against Arsenic-Trioxide-Induced Cardiotoxicity Via Reducing Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Through Increasing NAD+ Pool, Bio Trace Element Res, (2022) Source

(17) The Interplay Between Environmental Exposures and Mental Health Outcomes, National Academies of Medicine, (2021) Source

(18) The Role of Lead and Cadmium in Psychiatry, North American Journal of Medical Sciences (2014) Source

(19) Trace Minerals and Anxiety: A Review of Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Selenium, North American Journal of Medical Sciences (2014) Source

Hair Mineral Analysis

(1) Hair lead levels related to children’s classroom attention-deficit behaviorArch Env Health, (1996) Source

(2) Validity of hair mineral testingBio Trace Element Res, (2002) Source

(3) Trace elements in scalp-hair of persons with multiple sclerosis and of normal individuals, Clin Chem, 1978 Source

(4) The Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease Based on Trace Element Contents in Hair, Biological Trace Element Research, (2008) Source

(5) Elemental Analysis of Laryngeal Cancer Patients in Comparison with Controls Using Scalp Hair as an Analytical Tool, Bio Trace Element Res, (2022) Source

(6) Hair zinc and copper in chronic alcoholicsBio Trace Element Res, (2008) Source

(7) Use of hair as a biopsy tissue for calciumBio Trace Element Res, (1987) Source

(8) Hair-aluminum concentrations and children’s classroom behavior, Bio Trace Element Res, (1986) Source

(9) Analyses of toxic metals and essential minerals in the hair of arizona children with autism and associated conditions, and their mothers, Bio Trace Element Res, (2006) Source

(10) Hair zinc and copper concentrations and zinc: Copper ratios in pediatric malignancies and healthy children from Southeastern Turkey, Bio Trace Element Res, (1993) Source

(11) Metal concentrations in hair and cognitive assessment in an adolescent population, Bio Trace Element Res, (2005) Source

(12) Hair Mineral Analysis and Disruptive Behavior in Clinically Normal Young Men, Journal of Learning Disabilites, (1985) Source

(13) Excessive tissue manganese as a cause of anti-social behavior, Townsend Let For Doctors, (1994)

(14) Can the predisposition to violence hang on a hair?Medical Tribune, (1984)

(15) Study of correlation of Selenium content in human hair and internal organs by INAA, Bio Trace Element Res., (1990) Source

(16) Hair Zinc Concentrations in Diabetic ChildrenBio Trace Element Res., (1990) Source

Books on Mineral-Balancing

(1) Chatsworth, L and Chatsworth, C, Energy, Healthview Publishing, (1985)

(2) Wilson, L, The Hair Analysis Interpretation Handbook, Analytical Research Laboratories (2000)

(3) Malter, R, The Strands of Health; A Guide To Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis, Education & Health Resources of Arizona (2002)

(4) Wilson, L, Development Science And Development Programs, LD Consultants, (2019)

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